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PokerTek Expands Its Game-space To Make Room For Blackjack

May 11th, 2011 by Site Admin

PokerTek recently announced that it had added four additional ProCore tables incorporating blackjack games in an expansion of its gaming platform. These additions are follow-ups to the two ProCore tables that the company had incorporated earlier. Blackjack players are sure to be delighted with this news because it allows them the opportunity to try a highly entertaining and multi-player blackjack game.

These 4 ProCore tables offer the traditional game of blackjack as well as a new casino game that has been introduced by the company. PokerTek states that these additions are part of their strategic growth plans.

PokerTek’s President James Crawford states that Blackjack Pro is immensely popular with its players and they have given an overwhelming feedback and response to the same. Blackjack Pro has crossed their expectations and hence these recent additions will only ensure additional customer satisfaction and enhancement of services on their part.

ProCore tables are six-seating automated table games that offer the new game along with the traditional game of blackjack. Blackjack is the more popular game and is profitable, and it starts off with one player at the table. ProCore tables offer great player interaction as well as gaming configurability and it fits well on the gaming floor. The ProCore tables also offer account-based or TITO gaming options and is SAS compatible. It incorporates player tracking.

This new platform that houses blackjack games is a multi-game, multi-player casino platform that uses the latest in technological advances.

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