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Pennsylvania’s Last Blackjack Casino License To Be Given To Gettysburg Casino?

September 2nd, 2010 by Site Admin

After Pennsylvania introduced new blackjack friendly laws that allowed casinos in the state to license and operate these games, gaming revenues and job opportunities for blackjack dealers have increased in the region. Pennsylvania has already given put several casino licenses and many of these gaming enterprises are already in operation hosting blackjack games for players in the region. Currently, there is just one PA casino license left and this has created a huge debate over which casino it should go to.

Ideally, the board would like the license to go to a small casino, and one of the candidates is the proposed Mason Dixon Resort and Casino, located near the historic Gettysburg National Military Park. However, this idea seem to be the source of a lot of controversy as preservationists have taken up the issue as a cause, claiming that a casino in Gettysburg would ”cheapen the wholesome reputation” that the town currently enjoys as a tourist hub.

“It seems like a lot of people, they just want more business, they want more money to flow in the community at any cost, and that’s really upsetting,” said Barbara Schultz, a local Bed and Breakfast owner who opposes the idea.

Ronald Maxwell, who made the movie “Gettysburg,” also spoke against the project. “Why stop at Gettysburg? Maybe we should build some casinos at the site of the World Trade Center. That would create some jobs right? Heck that would help the tax base, right?”

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